05/14/19 / by Jesse Griffith

In the low single digits the tentacles of my fingertips are blindly reaching for sounds when all feeling has froze, slipped from reach. I overcome and continue.

The micro millimeters of tension and release of the capo dictate how much of the tone is revealed. A sixteenth of a turn too tight and I loose control, a fraction of that too loose and I get an unpleasing thud or buzz. I have generally been sticking closely to the tonal positions where harmonics are exposed. If I change capo positions to in-between two frets I get sounds that are atonal, outside of the divisions of the 12 tones of western music tradition but these margins offer valid places to explore. A feeling of uncharted territory is born in these places.

When the rains come hard like today, I relax deeper and know there will be no human audience. I can let loose any inhibitions and take any musical chance that happens to come. Playing outside the margins is the ultimate liberation and today I took the opportunity.

This piece was recorded after the deeper atonal excursions occurred.
