"Transcend everyday, then go about your life." - David Lynch
Witnessing the grasses and plant life rise and twist to orientate themselves towards the sun looks to me like they are trying to teach us something. Seeing the subtle changes before my eyes, watching as the buds open up and absorb light. This project is reinforcing and enabling a lot of beneficial tranquil moments that allow not only for reflection inside but also to look out and into the beyond.
I am constantly surprised by what the physical space has to offer on an emotional level, aside from my original purpose of simply uncovering and researching the sonic properties and the music making / creating. Stepping into the main room is isolating and dark. Confronting alone-ness while looking at the world through a lens. Learning that through uncovering, facing and overcoming our own unique sufferings can activate the best in those around us. Getting rid of baggage, traits or habits that no longer serve. Allowing for and experiencing the limitlessness of peace that is obtainable to anyone who seeks it. Deriving inspiration from the natural world alongside the work of hands.
I listened to a revealing David Lynch conversation this morning and it was inspiring hearing him discuss his 46 years of experience in the practice of meditation and the potentials of having this and similar modalities in our daily lives. I am discovering some of these potentials in this process and always feel better after the exercise.
These are a few words that came to me before I embarked on this project, they seem appropriate:
To reconcile all the cruelty
90 days of routine obscurity
To share the pain and joy
On both sides of six strings
All the tides and in-between
A vessel into exploring unto
The depths of seeing out and into
Of knowing and unknowing
To overthrow the status quo
Finding peace in the doing so
And tranquility in just being