05/29/19 / by Jesse Griffith

Day 29

An unexpected listener, a veteran in their early 60's described the sounds they heard as this: "You found a new way to collect and organize the notes that no one has ever done before. As if you've taken everything that you've learned and re-organized it into something of a complete and unique system."

I appreciate perspectives, wherever they come from. The "re-organizing" and "unique system" hit a few points, referring to the mode I am trying to explore and a vocabulary I am continually creating. I also appreciate the part where he said, "Taken everything you've learned" as this is the real heart of what is going on. It also applies to everything and everyone attempting anything. We are a culmination of our own experiences and events which lead to the present moment as being the sum of all parts.

I can dissect some aspects of what I am doing with this music and pin point specific influences and pieces of the puzzle along the way, but that is not my objective. The truth I am reaching for lies deeper inside or perhaps it is spread far beyond in the cosmos. The micro / macro of things and the contrasting reflections give way to pause and mystery. That is the place where creativity lives, in these moments of wandering with wonder.

It was serendipity when I discovered these sounds and instantly saw the guitar in an entirely different way that while I happened to be reading a local history text from 1992 by Reggie Clark of Walton, NS. It was photocopied and spiral bound by hand and contained local facts and tidbits of the area and accounts of industries and life in the small rural village that had various times of prosperity and mostly depression. The 19th and early 20th centuries were dominated by the ship building industry and it was in these records that the name of a "tern" jumped out at me and everything became clear, WANDARIAN was birthed. A vessel this became. An embarkment on a new journey, a place to explore, a mode of travel and a means to get somewhere. It has indeed re-organized my outlook of music making through the guitar.
