05/25/19 / by Jesse Griffith

Day 25

. Do no harm, do what you love, find and hold on to peace.

Walking through a geological epochs, the ocean floor’s resonances move through each rock to the souls of my feet upwards through my body until another eye envisions tracks of dinosaurs roaming these low tide landscapes. As wild as this Bay can turn, the beauty always shimmers through. Constant motion connecting sea to sky. It is easy to lose oneself in time and place but hard to comprehend the power. Distant echoes of ship wrecks. Flint remainders of previous times. The simmering eagle seeing in all directions has his back to me. Unflinching as two crows swoop down to commence the attack. Eagle remains statue still, eyes on all directions with the mate further out at tide's edge, waiting for the next meal to arrive. Reminding us to see in all directions, journey to each one of the directions often and keep watch.

Each day starts with a new challenge to overcome, for better or worse, freedom is this choice to sink or swim. Only we know the path that we ought to take. It is littered with the plastic of consumerism with the twist ties of words that are bent and meant to bruise, attack, hurt and scar beyond repair. The only thing I am certain of is that life is fragile and that the sun will rise again. Observe and learn as we create our own realities.
