05/26/19 / by Jesse Griffith

Day 26

A group of about 30 came by yesterday and we’re left bewildered. They thought somebody was playing a stereo until they saw the guitar case and then me on my little wicker perch. I enjoy this element of surprise that people experience when they walk up the hill to the structure and discover the source of the music. Sharing these sounds with strangers is fulfilling, it also feels like a survey to a research project. I am fortunate to share my love of the Bay and this area to passerby’s alongside the music. My aim has always been to keep things humble and intimate, audiences can wander the structure as they please and hover over me to gain access into my process and the technical aspects as to how I achieve these sounds. To bring smiles, joy and movement to bodies is a reward that never gets old. To conjure imaginations that aren’t my own and allow for an exchange of ideas and wonderment brings everything full circle.

This is the view when I look up.
