05/4/19 / by Jesse Griffith

With any emotion, are we held captives or proud captains?

After all we are the creation of the emotions and all have access to control of these systems. This takes a unique form for each individual, as many tactics as grains of sand the world over. The exercise of volition, equipping ourselves with whatever tool we need is available and can result in huge amounts of struggle. Caught in the weeds of reaction, the depths of judgment and mountains of fear, our decisions are our freedoms. We are meek. Not cautious or observant emotions take over and can swallow dreams, extinguish passion and rot entire souls. Harnessing the struggle is at the core of my being. A large part of my electrical impulse is powered by this uphill climb.

Not that today was a struggle, rather the opposite. My time on the guitar is so pure and the most ultimate of joys. I will explore and share my connections to the instrument throughout this undertaking. Unity of all directions as time molds to the notes tying imagination to the living reflection projected onto concrete. The running narrative that decodes the jungle of thoughts however, was like trying to hold back wild rivers.

I am sharing 90 seconds or so, an excerpt of today’s attempt toward untangling or unifying the raw mess of thoughts like circus circuits. Every note is juggled in a spell of purpose and accident, working together trying to articulate, retrieve and expel the message as it spins into melody. Sitting in the back wing of the structure with the door half open, the sound is clear but bedded by the quilt of salt air coming in from high tide. It dances in the nasal passage and conjures lost childhood as birds go about their business.
