05/3/19 / by Jesse Griffith

Day 3

"The only thing certain is uncertainty." I woke up with this phrase on my mind, not sure where it came from or what it means but It struck me as a good theme for the day's intent. Exploring a few new areas outside the inner chamber but still under the parabolic brick, I was rewarded with new reverberations of possibility. I am learning to see through a new lens. The obscura is like being inside the eye, but also inside the ear drum. Subtle nuanced notes can ring clear while being heavily wrapped in blankets of bass drones and flurries of accompaniments. Controlling the rests, the spaces in between is creating a new conceptual approach. The nature of playing with capo manipulations and using the sonic space as an engineer would point a microphone to achieve vision is familiar and newly inspiring on several levels.

More than a few visitors today, sharing the music, the sound space and the camera projections gave me affirmation that I'm doing exactly what I should be, sans expectation of any kind.

Still searching for the thread of truth. The line that weaves through valleys and across meadows and over mountains and stitches our soul back together from all the plundering and pounding it takes. Music works wonders. After so many years of playing it still can feel childlike and brand new. It is amazing how we can all benefit from dropping off expectations and allowing the source to drift and flow. Collecting lost inner molecules and trappings of emotions, carrying them along the path and projecting outward, where they land is no one’s guess. The process is crucial and necessary.
